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Amplify是一项为您提供获得技能的机会的倡议, 指导和平台,你需要与公众分享你的知识和观点. 这是一个论坛,你可以把你在学术环境中学到的东西,用它来发展一个公众的声音,通过尝试不同的媒体, including public writing, public speaking, multimedia and public art. Through events, workshops and one-on-one coaching and feedback, 你会开发出你可以自豪地与世界分享的作品. 该计划的高潮是有机会将您的作品提交给Amplify竞赛.

Amplify Opportunities

Fall 2023 Amplify Events and Workshops

During the fall 2023 semester, Wurtele领导力中心将举办公共活动,旨在通过各种媒体为公众声音的发展提供思想和灵感. 我们将邀请Smith社区内外的从业者来讨论他们如何通过在不同媒体和背景下的工作来放大他们的声音, and provide some opportunities for hands-on practice.


Guerrilla Girls

Monday, October 2
7–8 p.m.

游击队女孩是匿名的艺术家积极分子,她们使用破坏性的标题, 惊人的视觉效果和惊人的统计数据揭露了艺术中的性别和种族偏见和腐败, film, politics and pop culture. Since 1985, they have done hundreds of projects (street posters, banners, actions, books, and videos) all over the world. 

Campus Workshop: Aestheticize Ur Activism  
Tuesday, October 3
4–6 p.m.

与游击队女孩一起创建和发展你自己的积极分子项目! 他们将指导你了解他们自己的活动背后的工作原则,并帮助参与者集思广益,塑造他们自己的活动. You’ll leave with a framework to put into action. Participation limited to 30, registration required.

与Asia Samson一起的口语诗歌午餐工作坊

Friday, October 27
12:15–1:15 p.m.

Sponsored by the Boutelle-Day Poetry Center, the Wurtele Center for Leadership, and the Jandon Center for Community Engagement. More details to be announced soon!

激烈+无畏:与Nathalie Ais ' 10的公共演讲工作坊

Thursday, November 9
6–7:30 p.m.

在一个勇敢、支持、有趣的环境中培养你的公开演讲能力. We’ll address our public speaking challenges, 定义什么是公开演讲的自信,以及如何建立自信, 面对恐惧,仍然要做这件事. 因为这就是勇猛无畏的意义所在. In this interactive workshop, you’ll have a chance to share, try out, play and present, all facilitated by a Smith alum public speaking coach. You in? Space is limited to the first 20 spots. Dinner will be provided.

Convince Me! 如何和苏珊·丹尼尔斯一起写一篇有说服力的演讲

Tuesday, January 9
4:30–6 p.m.

有说服力的写作和说话能力是一项必不可少的生活技能. Whether you are preparing for a presentation, applying for a job or running for public office, you need to be persuasive and compelling. 通过学习和练习如何组织和发表有说服力的演讲, 这个90分钟的研讨会有专业的演讲教练, Susan Daniels, 会让你准备好掌握说服的艺术和技巧吗.  

Amplify Information Sessions

对Amplify节目或Amplify比赛有问题吗? Join us for an info session to learn more.

Public Art Competition Information Session

Wednesday, September 20
12:15–1:15 p.m.
Campus Center 102

在一小时内的任何时候都可以来了解更多关于Amplify公共艺术征集方案的信息, get your questions answered, and grab some pizza.

General Amplify Competition Informatio Session

Wednesday, December 6
12:15–1:15 p.m.
Campus Center 103/104

Come and learn more about the Amplify Competition. A brief presentation followed by Q&A. Also: Pizza!

有几门秋季课程包括一个重要的单元, 作业或其他专题元素,以培养公众声音. See the Smith Course Search for more information on any of these offerings.

Public Writing

AMS 351通过摄影创作非小说写作 
Russell G. Rymer

Matthew Ghazarian

MJ Wraga

Jonathan M Ruseski

WRT 136 Journalism: Principles and Practice     
Naila F. Moreira


ARS 162 Introduction to Digital Media     
Lucretia Ann Knapp

ARS 263 Video and Time-Based Digital Media     
John Slepian

ENG 289 Writing and Making Comics
Yona Harvey

FYS 114 Ordaining Women in America     
David Howlett 

FYS 144 Science and Society     
Michael Joseph Barresi

LSS 260视觉叙事:图形,数据和设计     
Reid W. Bertone-Johnson

Adrian A. Gras-Velázquez

SWG 150妇女与性别研究导论
Kelly P. Anderson

Public Art 

ARS 205 Posters, Zines and Prints in Public     
Lindsey Clark-Ryan

ARS 205 Drawing Social Justice     
Alexis A. Callender

ARS 274 Projects in Installation     
Lynne M. Yamamoto

ARS 372版画,标记制作,图像制作,世界制作     
Lindsey Clark-Ryan

BIO 368研讨会:通过植物生物学和艺术了解气候变化     
Jess Gersony

How Can I Stay Informed About All Things Amplify?

Send an email to and ask to get signed up for our weekly newsletter, 随着今年计划的展开,你将在哪里找到所有你需要知道的关于Amplify的信息.

Get Involved

  • 在Wurtele中心的通讯中观看与amplify相关的活动和研讨会.
  • 请关注Smith社交网络,以回复Amplify活动.
  • 在我们的 Amplify Resources page to get inspiration and practical tips.
  • 如果你正在上一门面向公众的语音课程,并且正在寻找指导和反馈, reach out to us at
  • 如果你在为Amplify大赛准备作品, 在j学期加入我们的技能培养和反馈研讨会.

Amplify Competition

Submit a Piece to the Amplify Competition

Amplify比赛为澳门葡京博彩软件的学生提供了一个分享知识的机会, 公共论坛上的故事和观点,以及一系列活动,旨在表彰他们为提高自己的声音带来积极变化所做的努力. 比赛旨在扩大学生的声音,让他们说出对自己重要的问题. The competition is open to all Smith students, 并且条目可以取自为获得学分的课程所完成的作业, 或者是学生课业之外的作品. Learn more about the competition in an article in The Gate.


学生可以在以下四个类别中提交作品:公开演讲, Public Writing, Public Art and Multimedia. 所有提交的作品将在Amplify综合网站上发布, 只在澳门葡京博彩软件社区内开放. 参赛作品将分别角逐四个类别的奖项和“人民选择奖”. 获奖名单将于三月初在校园举行的活动中公布(公共艺术除外), which will be announced in early December).

  • Public Art
    Three proposals selected; each receives a $500 artist honorarium 
  • Public Writing
    First Place: $750
    Second Place: $375
  • Multimedia
    First Place: $750
    Second Place: $375
  • Public Speaking
    Best TED-style Talk: $750
    Best Spoken Word Poem: $750
  • People’s Choice: $200 to an entry from any category