

学生 can only propose a thesis/project for the honors courses that were previously approved by their department or major; that is, 每学期4学分(XXX 430), 每学期6学分(XXX 432)或只在秋季8学分(XXX 431). 荣誉和独立项目小组委员会(SHIP)将 批准任何其他学分安排(例如,秋季5学分,春季3学分).

SHIP will typically 不 overrule a departmental endorsement of an honors application; if you don’t think an honors proposal is strong, 请在系里投反对票. 如果学生的专业GPA很低, SHIP主席将写信给学生,解释这可能会影响荣誉决定.


申请系里荣誉课程的学生会收到一份电脑生成的课程列表, 成绩和GPA课程分数, 列出所有符合条件的课程和成绩计入GPA.

帮助你的学生 计算他们的GPA:

  • 将标题为“单元”和“获得的成绩点”的栏中的信息复制到相应的栏中.
  • 左边的前两栏分别是“主修学分”和“主修课程积分”."
  • 使用左侧最后两列“专业外学分”和“课程外学分”."
  • 将每个类别的课程积分列相加,然后除以总学分.

举个例子, 下面加粗的信息是需要写在右边相应栏的内容.

年级  单位 x  级分 =  获得的学分
A-  4.00    3.7    14.80

学生必须有其专业顾问签署的完整表格 他们系的荣誉主任.


请注意,这些指导方针没有具体的日期. 有关截止日期,请参阅 荣誉 页面.

荣誉主任应通过电子邮件(首选)或亲自将所有认可的荣誉申请发送给班级院长办公室. 请不要让学生把申请表寄给我们,也不要把申请表寄给校园邮箱.

一个学期的秋季荣誉项目(8学分)不是所有部门都提供的, 而且不存在仅限春季学期的选项(8学分). 在秋季进行一学期荣誉论文/项目的学生遵循5月份的指导方针.

不接受逾期申请. A student who misses the deadline may have the option of setting up a special studies with her prospective honors adviser in order to upgrade to a one-semester honors project in the next semester. 在注册官网页上查看特殊学习的截止日期.

All applications—whether approved or denied by the department—are due to SHIP no later than the end of the second week of the semester in time for students to be fully registered by the end of the third week of the semester. 请注意,有时申请截止日期是周三或周四.

不再需要预约研究馆员. 学生 who are interested in meeting with a research librarian in their field are encouraged to make an appointment to discuss their projects by the end of the sixth week of the semester (the week after the "paper" course drop deadline). 他们可以在网上预约 澳门葡京博彩软件图书馆 网站.


  • 至少 one week before the last department/program meeting in May of their junior year so that it can be forwarded to the SHIP chair with the appropriate endorsement (SHIP approval is made by late June).
  • 至少 one week before the first department/program meeting of the semester so that it can be forwarded to the SHIP chair with the appropriate endorsement by the end of the second week of the semester (SHIP approval is made by the end of the third week).


  • 至少 one week before the last department/program meeting in December so that it can be forwarded to the SHIP chair with the appropriate endorsement before winter break (SHIP approval is made by the beginning of the spring semester approximately).
  • 至少 one week before the first department/program meeting of the spring semester so that it can be forwarded to the SHIP chair with the appropriate endorsement by the end of the second week of the semester (SHIP approval is made by end of third week approximately).


  • 至少 one week before the last department/program meeting in December so that it can be forwarded to the SHIP chair with the appropriate endorsement before winter break (SHIP approval is made by the beginning of the spring semester approximately).
  • 至少 one week before the first department/program meeting of the spring semester so that it can be forwarded to the SHIP chair with the appropriate endorsement by the end of the second week of the semester (SHIP approval is made by end of third week approximately).


任何论文/项目的指导老师必须是学生主修系或专业的澳门葡京博彩软件教师.  休假的教员通常不允许指导论文.  每篇论文/项目必须在完成后进行评估 两个 教员.


顾问和部门荣誉主任, 除了所有被认可的荣誉学生, 自动注册到由高级院长和班级主任办公室荣誉协调员管理的Moodle荣誉网站. 它提供基本信息, 重要的最后期限, 在这里,学生可以上传他们的荣誉论文标题页和他们的论文/项目的最终PDF文件,供图书馆编目.  1月毕业生和5月毕业生的具体截止日期已找到 在这里.


第二个读者, 由部门委任, 可以成为五所学院的教员吗, 客座教授, 等. 所有第二阅读者必须对最终作品进行评估,并写一份报告提交给部门荣誉主任.

每学期的成绩必须由澳门葡京博彩软件的教职员提交, although it is possible for a second reader who is a Smith faculty member to take over the grading for the second semester of a yearlong thesis. 教师必须将这种变化通知SHIP主席.

成绩 & 评估

荣誉论文/项目顾问必须提供一个分数 每学期 一个荣誉项目. 成绩与评估和口试是分开的. 它被计算为学生专业GPA的一部分,用于最终确定荣誉.


Each department has its own expectations for when 和 how much writing/research will be accomplished in the first semester 一个荣誉项目. 学生 are often allowed interterm to complete substantial first drafts or whatever work has been agreed upon between the students 和 adviser. 第二学期的开始是评估进度的好时机.

各部门可能对提交已完成的手稿有较早的内部指导方针, 但是所有的项目必须在学期的第十周结束前提交.

标题页和签名的图书馆许可表要在同一天上交. 标题页由学生上传到Moodle网站,图书馆许可表格必须打印出来, 由学生签名并通过电子邮件发送给图书馆. 学生应在标题页上包括她的论文/项目的读者.

院系荣誉主任可自行决定是否允许延期一周. In 非常不寻常 情况下, 高年级教务长可能会允许再延长一周, 但这一要求必须提交给毕业班的教务长,并得到部门荣誉主任的批准. 学生不应该自己给高级院长发邮件.

The final version of the thesis/project is uploaded as a PDF to the honors moodle course (to which all honors thesis students are enrolled) the last day of the semester. 学生可以在这份副本中稍加修改, 但此时所有实质性的写作都完成了.

决定荣誉的计算是在班级院长办公室准备的Excel电子表格上完成的. Either the departmental director of honors or the chair of SHIP inserts the student’s GPA in the major (provided by the registrar) 和 the evaluations of the oral exam 和 the thesis/project. 每个类别的奖励百分比由本署预先订明,并在申请表上注明.

最后的论文/项目评估结果(包括专业成绩), thesis/project 和 oral exam) for all students should be circulated at the last departmental meeting of the semester 和 confirmed by the director of honors to the chair of SHIP.

一月毕业论文/项目作家, 得到了荣誉主任的许可, submit the final draft of their theses as late as the first week of January (see the list of honors dates for specific 最后期限 as they change). 如果学生要求并被批准使用此选项, 口试必须在一月的第二个星期进行.

It may be possible for a student to stay in residence at Smith but the student must 不ify the senior class dean by the beginning of December that they would like to request to stay on campus to finish their thesis. 如果得到批准,搬离日期由房屋署署长决定,但不会迟于 至少 在春季学期开始前一周. 请注意:不保证批准.

Under no 情况下 will students completing their degree in January be allowed to continue their honors work into the spring semester.

The dates on which Latin honors 和 departmental/program honors are determined are the same for January graduates as for May graduates.  上传标题页的日期, library permission form 和 the final version of the thesis/project on Moodle are different – please refer to the “Important Dates: January Graduates” calendar.

一月毕业论文/项目作家, 得到了荣誉主任的许可, submit the final draft of their theses as late as the first week of January (see the list of honors dates for specific 最后期限 as they change). 如果学生要求并被批准使用此选项, 口试必须在一月的第二个星期进行. 

It may be possible for a student to stay in residence at Smith but the student must 不ify the senior class dean by the beginning of December that they would like to request to stay on campus to finish their thesis. 如果得到批准,搬离日期由房屋署署长决定,但不会迟于 至少 在春季学期开始前一周. 请注意:不保证批准.

Under no 情况下 will students completing their degree in January be allowed to continue their honors work into the spring semester.

The dates on which Latin honors 和 departmental/program honors are determined are the same for January graduates as for May graduates.  上传标题页的日期, library permission form 和 the final version of the thesis/project on Moodle are different – please refer to the “Important Dates: January Graduates” calendar.


Every honors thesis/project writer should present her work orally to the department or program; the presentation format is at the discretion of the department/program, 虽然一个系的所有优等生向全体教员做小组报告是很典型的. 共享教师的小部门/项目有时会合并他们的演讲.

口头陈述 必须在阅读前发生吗.


口头报告必须由至少两名教员以书面形式进行评估, 一个是论文指导老师. 第二评估员通常来自部门/项目, 但也可能来自相关的项目和部门. 有些院系的所有教员都要出席报告, 一起评估,并提交书面口头报告的平均分.

读者报告和口头报告评估的完整副本应通过电子邮件发送至 honors@cai56b.com 或亲手交至101学院礼堂.


评论是否提交给学生是由部门的自由裁量权. 最后的评价和荣誉认定应该  be shared with the student before graduation; this is the only rule about honors that appears in the faculty code. 如果读者愿意,可以在该日期之前与学生分享他们的评论. 



学生可以将不成功的荣誉论文/项目转为特殊研究. 这 一定是在 将作品提交给论文导师进行最终编辑审查的截止日期, 请查阅荣誉“重要日期1月毕业生”和“重要日期5月毕业生”. 如果很明显工作不顺利, 越早做出决定, 对各方都好. 学生应该发邮件 honors@cai56b.com 有关指示,并索取特别研究表格,以填妥并提交适当的签名. 这些表格直接提交给 honors@cai56b.com 致注册主任.

A student who drops their honors project early in the semester is under no obligation to continue their work by enrolling in a special studies; students may, 如果他们愿意. drop的通知需要通过电子邮件发送到 honors@cai56b.com 这样高年级的教务长就会意识到这个学生不再追求荣誉了.

如果你的部门有6学分的论文/项目选择, 检查学生完成学位所需的学分(128). 许多学生有额外的学分,可以很容易地从6学分的荣誉论文转换到4学分的特殊研究, 但如果你的学生需要全部6个学分, 他们必须将他们的项目转换为两个专门研究(没有6学分的专门研究). 这些学分可以按适当的方式划分(每项3学分), 一门2学分的特殊课程加上一门4学分的课程, 等.) 但前提是部门允许可变学分的特殊研究. 如果目录中列出的唯一选项是4学分, 然后,学生必须参加4学分的特殊课程,并在其他地方找到其他2学分.


学生 can upgrade a first-semester special studies project (4 credits) or a particularly successful seminar paper (4 credits) in their major produced in residence, 在大四的第一个学期, 在大四下学期完成一学期的荣誉项目(4学分). 学生必须向院系提交荣誉申请,就像其他荣誉论文/项目一样 最后期限. 学生 are 不 allowed to submit honors theses proposals for a one semester thesis upgrade that continues work undertaken at a不her institution (includes the 5-Colleges).

A student who upgrades a special studies to a thesis/project will have one semester of the thesis/project course on record in the semester in which they are officially enrolled as an honors student. 第一学期的专题学习或研讨会没有变化. 特殊课程的第一学期成绩是专业GPA的一部分.