
澳门葡京博彩软件欢迎并支持来自各种经济背景的合格学生. 作为学院承诺的一部分, 可负担性和公平性, Smith has eliminated loans from its undergraduate 金融援助 packages for those students receiving institutional need-based aid, 用机构拨款取代这些资金. 学院将满足所有的文件需求, 这是由大学政策决定的, of all admitted students who apply for aid by the published deadlines.

澳门葡京博彩软件也很自豪能与他合作 QuestBridge, 一个将低收入家庭的学生与一流高等教育机构联系起来的平台.


This section is for prospective students applying for admission. 如果你是 现任艾达·康斯托克澳门葡京博彩软件,请到 学生财务服务网站 了解财政援助的截止日期和政策.

申请资助 & 确定需要


Do not wait until you have been accepted to Smith to apply for aid. If you may need institutional financial assistance during your tenure at Smith, 在财政援助截止日期前申请援助.


Ada Comstock Scholars who do not apply for 金融援助 by the published 金融援助 deadlines will be required to complete 32 credits at Smith before you are eligible to apply for institutional 金融援助. This means that you would be eligible to receive only federal, 状态, and outside aid; no Smith Grant aid would be available until these credits are completed at Smith.


International Ada Comstock Scholars who do not apply for aid 入院前 are not eligible to receive institutional aid at any time.


Financial aid for Ada Comstock Scholars is need-based and is based on the premise that students pay for the cost of education to the extent that they are able, as calculated by a national formula and institutional policy, and that 金融援助 serves to supplement this effort.


The fees of undergraduate institutions attended by siblings of traditional students or children of Ada Comstock Scholars are considered in our aid calculations. The enrollment status of each person is verified in the fall. A change in institution or enrollment status may affect your grant aid. 为了将来的规划, 澳门葡京博彩软件 为今年使用的免税额.

形式 & 最后期限

文档 由于
FAFSA (2023-24) 
Smith 援助 Application for Ada Comstock Scholars (2023-24) -表格也可在网络合作伙伴 11月15日

*All students are required to apply for 状态 aid if eligible. 未能完成所有的国家要求将导致失去国家拨款资格. 由于未能完成必要的州要求,澳门葡京博彩软件将不会取代失去的援助. 有关国家援助的更多信息,请参见 给予援助.


你可以把你的文件邮寄给我们, 通过传真, 或通过网络合作伙伴(澳门葡京博彩软件的财务援助门户网站). 澳门葡京博彩软件招生办公室收到入学申请后,将通过电子邮件向申请人发送入学说明. 请复印所有提交的文件. 通过网络合作伙伴发送给SFS办公室的任何文档都应以PDF格式发送.  其他格式可能与我们的系统不兼容.

北安普顿,MA 01063


文档 由于
Smith 援助 Application for Ada Comstock Scholars (2023-24) -表格亦可于网上索取 11月15日


你可以把你的文件邮寄给我们, 通过传真, 或通过网络合作伙伴(澳门葡京博彩软件的财务援助门户网站). 一旦澳门葡京博彩软件招生办公室收到入学申请,入学说明将通过电子邮件发送给申请人. 请复印所有提交的文件. 通过网络合作伙伴发送给SFS办公室的任何文档都应以PDF格式发送.  其他格式可能与我们的系统不兼容.

北安普顿,MA 01063


文档 由于
2月24日 (Residents of MA, VT): You must file FAFSA by 状态 aid deadlines*)
Smith 援助 Application for Ada Comstock Scholars (2024-25) -表格也可在网络合作伙伴 2月24日

All students are required to apply for 状态 aid if eligible. 未能完成所有的国家要求将导致失去国家拨款资格. 由于未能完成必要的州要求,澳门葡京博彩软件将不会取代失去的援助. 有关国家援助的更多信息,请参见 给予援助.


你可以把你的文件邮寄给我们, via secure fax or through 网络合作伙伴澳门葡京博彩软件的经济援助门户网站. Instructions will be emailed to the applicant once an admission application has been received by the Smith Office of 入学. 请保留所提交文件的副本. 通过网络合作伙伴发送给SFS办公室的任何文档都应以PDF格式发送.  其他格式可能与我们的系统不兼容.

北安普顿,MA 01063


文档 由于
Smith 援助 Application for Ada Comstock Scholars (2024-25) -表格亦可于网上索取 2月24日


你可以把你的文件邮寄给我们, 通过传真, 或通过网络合作伙伴(澳门葡京博彩软件的财务援助门户网站). 一旦澳门葡京博彩软件招生办公室收到入学申请,入学说明将通过电子邮件发送给申请人. 请复印所有提交的文件. 通过网络合作伙伴发送给SFS办公室的任何文档都应以PDF格式发送.  其他格式可能与我们的系统不兼容.

北安普顿,MA 01063



助学金是以需要为基础的,不需要偿还. 学生可以从各种来源获得助学金, 包括澳门葡京博彩软件以及联邦和州的资源. 才有资格申请澳门葡京博彩软件的助学金, you must apply for 金融援助 by the published deadlines, 入院前.

The grant amount is based on a family's financial need as determined by 澳门葡京博彩软件 through the 金融援助 application process. Most Smith grants come from funds given for this purpose by alumnae and friends of the college and by foundations and corporations. 如果你是 recipient of one of these named scholarships, 捐赠关系办公室将与您联系. You will be asked to complete an online questionnaire about your Smith experience. 你的及时回应很重要. 如果您有任何问题,请澳门葡京博彩软件 DonorRelations@cai56b.com.

才有资格申请佩尔助学金, students must be enrolled at least half-time without a prior bachelor's degree. 该奖项基于联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)确定的需求。.

Pell Grants replace Smith Grant eligibility dollar for dollar.

这项助学金是为符合佩尔条件的学生提供的,优先考虑同时获得澳门葡京博彩软件助学金的学生. 授予的金额取决于当前联邦资金来源的资金水平.

来自马萨诸塞州和佛蒙特州的本科生可以获得州助学金. 州政府拨款一美元一美元地取代澳门葡京博彩软件拨款.

该奖项是基于联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)和州标准确定的需求. 这些州申请澳门葡京博彩软件助学金的学生也需要申请州助学金. 截止日期和所需表格因州而异. Contact your 状态 office of 金融援助 for specific details. Smith cannot replace any 状态 grants lost because of a failure to meet deadlines or comply with federal or 状态 requirements.


All Ada Comstock scholars who receive need-based 金融援助 from the college will receive a health grant to cover the cost of health insurance through the college. Non-aided Ada Comstock scholars or Ada Comstock scholars who successfully waive the health insurance are not eligible for this grant.

澳门葡京博彩软件 offers a limited number of awards based on merit rather than need. All applicants for admission are automatically considered; there are no special application forms. 学生 are selected by the Office of 入学 and must maintain satisfactory academic progress in order to have their scholarships renewed annually. 奖学金只在入学时提供.

在确定是否有资格获得基于需求的经济援助时,优秀奖学金被视为一种资源.  例如, 如果一个学生有15美元,000 of calculated need and receives the Stride Scholarship for $22,500, 由于奖学金超出了需求,该学生将不会获得基于需求的援助.  学生 who have need-based aid eligibility above and beyond the amount of merit scholarships will receive need-based aid to cover the difference.

澳门葡京博彩软件 is pleased to award four full-tuition scholarships per year to Ada Comstock Scholars and/or transfer students from Greenfield 社区 College and Holyoke 社区 College (maximum of two each year from each community college) who display a strong academic record and clear leadership potential.

5美元奖学金,000(每年最多三次), 限量2美元,根据招生办公室的推荐,将向符合条件的学生颁发500美元(每学期入学). 没有特别的申请表格. 这项奖学金提供给美国学生.S. citizens applying as transfer students or to the Ada Comstock program.

The student employment component of a 金融援助 award represents the opportunity to have a job on campus or through one of our off-campus employment partners. 你有责任找到一份符合你喜好和时间表的工作, and are encouraged to apply early for the best selection of jobs.

你可以工作挣钱买书和生活用品, 存入你的学费账户, 或者用于个人消费. There is no obligation to work all or any of the hours awarded, though income not earned is not replaced with other aid.

Ada Comstock Scholars with dependent children under the age of 18 will have the work component of their award replaced with the Balbach Grant. If you do not have a work study component to your award, you can still apply for jobs on campus after October 1 in the fall, 在春季开学两周后.

For information about work-study at 澳门葡京博彩软件, see 学生就业.

Outside aid will first reduce or replace the work study portion of your award. If the outside aid exceeds the total work component of your award, we will allow the aid to go toward a one-time computer purchase, 或支付澳门葡京博彩软件健康保险的费用(除非你收到健康补助金). Any amount of outside aid in excess of the work component of your award plus these costs if applicable will replace Smith Grant dollar for dollar. State or federal grant assistance reduces Smith Grant dollar for dollar. Outside aid includes outside awards based on student merit, as well as tuition subsidies based on parent employment (学费 Benefits).

If you receive any assistance from an organization outside of the college, this aid must be taken into consideration in calculating your 金融援助 award. 你需要向学生金融服务办公室报告所有的外部援助.

一旦你通知我们任何援助,预计将直接发送到学院, we will add the anticipated amount to the student account as a pending credit, 减少应付金额.  如果援助预计会迟到,请通知我们,以便我们可以延长未决信贷.  Any amounts expected but not received are the responsibility of the student.

Outside aid, based on either student merit or parent employment (e.g.:员工学费福利), 将首先减少或取代你的奖励的自助部分(联邦勤工俭学). 如果外部援助超过了自助, 我们将允许它用于支付澳门葡京博彩软件健康保险计划或一次性购买电脑的费用.  任何数额的外部援助超过自助和这些成本将减少澳门葡京博彩软件助学金美元美元.

The resources listed below are here for your convenience. 澳门葡京博彩软件并没有支持特定的援助来源. 也, please visit the Smith Social Network to view more scholarship opportunities (you will be required to be logged into the Smith portal for access).


U.S. 教育部
The Federal Student 援助 Office website provides a free scholarship search





本杰明一. 吉尔曼国际奖学金
这是一个为美国学生提供奖励的项目.S. 本科生 receiving Pell grant funding in a two- or four-year college or university to participate in study-abroad programs worldwide.

A highly competitive program for students of high academic achievement and leadership potential who have significant financial need

奖学金提供给高中毕业生, 本科生, 毕业生, 社区大学和非传统学生. 对大Y公司的客户和他们的家属以及大Y公司的员工和他们的家属开放.

AES Engineering offers scholarships to motivated students

美国奖学金直接与学生合作, 父母, 大学, businesses and communities to help students fulfill their college dreams.


澳门葡京博彩软件将考虑任何退伍军人的教育福利作为经济援助的资源. This means that financial assistance offered through Smith may be reduced when the amount of Veteran's Administration (VA) benefits are factored into the award. This will apply to any institutional 金融援助 awarded. 我们对外部援助的正常处理是减少或取消你的自助援助(贷款或勤工俭学)。. 如果你的外部援助超出了这些调整, Smith grant assistance will be reduced dollar for dollar. 然而, most VA educational benefits are exempt from being considered as a resource for determining federal 金融援助 funding levels. 这意味着你可能被允许保留联邦补贴贷款和联邦勤工俭学, but could have a reduction in any grant assistance offered by Smith. 澳门葡京博彩软件 merit awards are excluded from this treatment. 学生 requesting certification must fill out a Veterans Certification Request form and submit it to the Office of the 注册商 along with their VA Certificate of Eligibility.



澳门葡京博彩软件很荣幸能成为我们国家退伍军人黄丝带计划的赞助商. 该项目是作为2008年9/11后退伍军人教育法案的一部分而创建的. Smith has made a commitment to both undergraduate and graduate students. 寻求学士或硕士学位的学生可以通过该计划申请援助. 学生 must complete a 黄丝带的好处 Request form to be considered. Funding is limited and will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis. 颁授与否将视此表格交回有关办事处的日期及时间而定. 任何申请这项福利的学生都被鼓励传真或电子邮件填写表格. 该计划只对那些符合该计划入学资格的退伍军人开放. 资格标准可在 U.S. 退伍军人事务部网站.


Any student awarded funding through the Yellow Ribbon 程序 will continue to receive this benefit as long as they remain in good academic standing and Smith continues to participate in the program. 学生 must also have a remaining entitlement through the VA. Yearly funding levels will depend on the amount Smith commits to this program.

程序 入学人数最多 贡献
本科生 每年最多四名学生 $10,000

Funding levels above will be matched by a direct contribution from the VA. Eligible students meeting the application criteria will be awarded the benefit regardless of whether they qualify for need-based assistance. This benefit will replace need-based grant assistance on a dollar-for-dollar basis, 根据我们的对外援助政策. 学生 accepted into Smith's Yellow Ribbon 程序 will be required to present their VA Certificate of Eligibility to a school certifying official.

了解各种 融资选择 提供给Ada Comstock澳门葡京博彩软件.

Ada Comstock澳门葡京博彩软件的出勤费,2024-25

Fees and aid for Ada Comstock Scholars will be based on the number of credits in which the student is enrolled on the 15th day of each semester. 在截止日期之后, 费用和援助只有在行政委员会特别许可的情况下才会改变, and only if the change adds to your total number of credits.

*Ada Comstock注册少于8学分的澳门葡京博彩软件按每学分2美元的费率支付,030 per credit and are not eligible to receive institutional 金融援助.






12 - 15学分(全日制)


8 - 11学分(兼职)



Ada Comstock housing has a direct impact on the total cost of attendance. 住房 and food for the academic year are included in the cost of attendance, either as a direct billed cost or as an allowance for out-of-pocket expenses, 取决于所选择的住房选项.

*Conway Apartments are available by 9-month lease only, and include utilities.







直接计费费用 成本(U.S. 美元)
学费(根据学分情况而定) $48,720
学生活动费(非全日制学生可获豁免) $308
健康保险(国内学生可豁免) $3,014
未列明的间接费用 成本(U.S. 美元)
食物及房屋津贴 $18,104
书籍、课程材料、用品和设备 $800
运输 $1,000
个人支出 $3,466

*Actual costs incurred will vary and are the student's responsibility.

直接计费费用 成本(U.S. 美元)
学费(根据学分情况而定) $48,720
校园房屋 $11,300
学生活动费(非全日制学生可获豁免) $308
健康保险(国内学生可豁免) $3,014
未列明的间接费用 成本(U.S. 美元)
伙食补助 $6,804
书籍、课程材料、用品和设备 $800
运输 $1,000
个人支出 $3,466

*Actual costs incurred will vary and are the student's responsibility.

The cost of attendance for Ada Comstock Scholars living in Conway House apartments includes an indirect cost allowance for food and housing for the academic year. 康威费用包含在学生的账单中,学生需要支付9个月的租金, 包括公用事业.

直接计费费用 成本(U.S. 美元)
学费(根据学分情况而定) $48,720
学生活动费(非全日制学生可获豁免) $308
健康保险(国内学生可豁免) $3,014
未列明的间接费用 成本(U.S. 美元)
食物及房屋津贴 $18,460
书籍、课程材料、用品和设备 $800
运输 $1,000
个人支出 $3,466

*Actual costs incurred will vary and are the student's responsibility.


所有阿达·康斯托克澳门葡京博彩软件都可以在学年期间通过他们的OneCard访问使用澳门葡京博彩软件餐饮委员会选项, regardless of housing status or 金融援助 eligibility. 这项福利不包括学生的家属.


每年3,148美元(每学期1,574美元). 如果你在马萨诸塞州有类似的健康保险,这笔费用可能会被免除. Ada Comstock Scholars who receive need-based grant aid from Smith will receive a grant to cover this cost if they accept the Smith health insurance.





北安普顿,MA 01063

电话: 413-585-2530 电子邮件: sfs@cai56b.com

服务时间:周一至周五上午10点.m.-中午和下午1:30-3:30.m. (美国东部时间)